As I mentioned in a previous blog, I made a New Years resolution to read at least one book a week this year. I usually read at about that speed on average, so it wasn’t exactly a stretch to achieve this for a short period. Life usually takes over at various points in the year though, and my reading drops off a cliff as I frantically try to resolve whatever self-inflicted chaos I’ve inflicted on myself. The other benefit of reading 52 books this year is that I’ll be ploughing a huge furrow through the large volume of TBR megabytes stored on my kindle. Hah, take that TBR megabytes.
When I updated my reading list (22 books read since the start of the year, well ahead of target, pat on the back for me) and my TBR list the other day, I thought, “Let’s have a quick look at how much I reduced my TBR list by”. So, I’ve read 22 books, and I’ve bought… 75, holy cow, my TBR backlog has increased by 53 books since the start of the year [buries head in hands, and sits in contemplative silence for several minutes].
Don’t worry, I’ve rationalised this now, just like I always do. It’s been a difficult year for us all, I clearly needed some retail therapy, and lots of books I wanted have been on kindle deals, I’d only be paying more for them if I waited until I was ready to read them. There’s so many good reasons to just keep on adding to the TBR behemoth that I’ve created, so I’ll just keep going.