Baby Steps
Baby steps, the mantra of self-help guru’s the world over, “you can do anything you want if you break it down into small achievable steps” typically, the first baby step you are encouraged to take is to buy their book or some such. What they don’t tell you is that each incremental step is (usually) harder than the previous one.
My preferred mantra is easy wins, you take the first few baby steps, stop when they get too difficult and try to think of some more easy things that need doing first, a.k.a. the art of kicking the can down the road. Make sure to give yourself a pat on the back for trying though. I’ve been kicking the Recommended Section can down the road for a little while now, but as laid out in point 4 of my recent ‘New Leaf’ post, it’s time to step up and get a few further sections of the website up and running. So the sole purpose of this particular post is to point you in the direction of the opening gambit in the Recommended Section, Short Stories for ages 7 – 11. This also ticked off another ambition (point 5 in ‘New Leaf’) in that it involved the input of Tomeopathy Jr. now that particular floodgate(?!) has opened, I’m hoping that more input will flow through it.
You may also notice that Short Stories looks a little different from the rest of the website, this is my attempt to jazz things up a little with multiple columns and proper buttons. I hope you like it.
As always drop me a comment below if you have any thoughts or suggestions.