


What’s that noise? It’s the sound of a new born blog. Air is sucked into its lungs and expelled in a blood curdling shriek as the warm cosiness of the womb is exchanged for the cold harsh reality of newly exposed vulnerability. The high pitched wail tapers off as breath expires and another sharp intake of oxygen precedes further screeching. Eventually, exhausted, the blog falls quiet, eyelids droop and fitful slumber commences, limbs twitch and brows crease. Tomeopathy is with us, a living breathing sentient blog. By morning it will be strutting around looking for trouble, eager to press its opinions onto anyone in earshot, whether they wish to hear them or not.

The above occurred a number of years ago, now Tomeopathy has the ways and the means to enlighten, and it’s not afraid to use them. Which brings us neatly along to the beginning of this blog. Welcome to, there’s still some strut left, not as much as the little fella in the picture, but almost.

Tomeopathy mostly cares about books, so much of the material within the blog will relate to books. From time to time, Tomeopathy may feel compelled to stick it’s oar into other topics, probably when something especially irritating or especially awesome happens.

baaaing serious injury or an apocalyptic end to the internet, regular updates will follow, ewe’d be a fool to miss them.

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